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Behavior: school vs. home

Date: June 16th, 2016
By: Polly Bath

Polly Bath: Here’s the beauty of what we do: We teach young people how to behave under different circumstances in different environments. And that’s the key. You can learn to change your behavior when you walk through the threshold of that door, and that’s what I want.

I use a script all day long that says, “We’re in school.”

Kid comes in Monday morning, drops an F bomb, you know that this kid asked for the effin’ salt and pepper at the dinner table all weekend long, right?

But Monday morning, he walks in, and I say, “We’re in school.”

“Oh yeah, school, Miss, school, Miss. That’s right.”

I’ve got to teach you that whatever you do at home is none of my business but when you bring it here, it’s got to change. So I can’t keep relying on that kind of excuse, if you will but it is hard, I’ll give you that.