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Do you teach your school mission statement?

Date: October 29th, 2015
By: Polly Bath

Polly Bath: We need to make sure that our value system is alive and active in our school. Our “value system” is also the mission statement that we have on our walls.

When was the last time the mission statement jumped off the wall and was seen in our schools?

We need to ask ourselves: “How are we teaching our mission statement? How is it alive in our building? How is it being talked about every day in every classroom? Is it part of our assembly structure? Do parents understand what that mission statement is? Are the values defined?”

Many times we see wonderful words, like “inspiration,” “confidence,” “respect,” plastered all over the school walls. But that’s it, they are just on the walls. They’re not being taught. They’re not living. They’re not a part of our foundation.

We need to change that!